Friday, May 11, 2012

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg


This is a very interesting book about how habits affect individuals, organizations, and societal groups. There is a lot of information about how people form habits, how they are studied, and how they can be changed. This may seem like a dry topic but the author uses many case studies that show how habits relate to our everyday world.

The second section focuses mostly on habits in the business world. There is a fascinating section on how Target uses data that they collect on shopper's habits. It's both genius and profoundly creepy. The third part focuses on habits in the larger society. The section on how habits influenced  the Mongomery bus boycott shows how habits play their part in history.

Overall it's a great read and it really gets you thinking about your own habits. Changes in habits can create profits for businesses but can also cause individuals great suffering.

For more information you can find an NPR interview with the author here or check out his website.

As always feel free to drop me a line at jeffsemonis at or find me on twitter @jeffsbookcase.

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