Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Books I Read as a Kid - The Mad Scientists Club

I think I had two books of short stories about The Mad Scientists Club. They were a group of friends who liked science and got into all sorts of adventures. I don't remember a lot of the stories but I did have an affinity for one that involved them acquiring a submarine. I do remember liking the books a great deal when I was in grade school though.

I learned while researching this post that there are two additional books in the series. The problem with writing about books that you read as a child is that you end up wanting to read them again. I may have to order the complete collection.

If you have young readers, give this a look. I think it would appeal to those that liked the Bruno and Boots Series that I profiled recently.

There is a great website at that profiles the books and their author, Bertrand R. Brinley.

As always you can reach me at jeffsemonis at or on twitter @jeffsbookcase.

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