Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Books I Read as a Kid - Gordon Korman's Bruno & Boots series


I had all of these as a kid, except for the last one, Something Fishy at MacDonald Hall, which came out when I was older. They told the story of Bruno and his boarding-school roommate "Boots" and their friends. Over the series hijinks ensue as they interact with teachers, other students, and their headmaster, Mr. Sturgeon, nicknamed "The Fish." 

They are funny books but they teach a lot about friendship and standing by your friends. My favorites were, as I recall, This Can't be Happening at MacDonald Hall and The Zucchini Warriors. The former is the first book in the series and was written as an English project when Korman was only twelve. It's shorter and would be perfect for a reluctant reader as it's very entertaining.

Besides this series, Korman has written many other series and quite a few stand alone books. I also had an autographed copy of his A Semester in the Life of a Garbage Bag that the school librarian got for me at a signing and I read it many times.

If you've got a young reader, introduce them to these books. As always you can reach me at jeffsemonis at and on twitter @jeffsbookcase.

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