Saturday, March 10, 2012

Word Freak by Stefan Fatsis

Word Freak is the story of Stefan Fatsis' ascent into the world of competitive Scrabble. I love subculture books and this is a great one. Fatsis ends up reporting on the subject from the inside out as he becomes a tournament player and fights to increase his ranking.

The subject offers a myriad of eccentric characters competing at the highest level. Everyone has played Scrabble but few have played it like this, with seven letter bingos flying onto the board. It isn't an instructional book per se but if you want to compete at Scrabble you would be advised to read this book.

Whether you're a living room player or a tournament competitor you should read this book. If you could care less about Scrabble but like psychology or memoirs then you should read this book. It's a subculture book of the highest order and I can't recommend it more highly.

There are many instructional books on Scrabble. I personally like Everything Scrabble by Joe Edley but that is only my opinion and there are many others out there.

As always, fell free to comment, drop me a line at jeffsemonis at or on twitter @jeffsbookcase.

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